Rev.  F. Craig Henry Born in Antigua, West Indies and raised in New Winthorpes. Serves the Lord faithfully with the belief "if Christ can die for me, then I can live and speak for Him".

His prayer is that the word that he shares is user-friendly, applicable, thought provoking and insight filled that grows the hearer, as faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

Elder Rory Batts
Evangelist Angela Reed
Deacon Norris Miller
Chairman Deacon Board
Deaconess Joyce Small
Chairperson Deaconess Board
Trustee Willie Richardson
Chairman Trustee Board
Deaconess Shanetta Miller
Pastor-Elect Secretary
Deaconess Tamira Bowers
Church Administrator
Deacon Kendrick Small
Sunday School Superintendent
No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you!

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